DIDI: Back Off

Young, feisty, boisterous punky art pop that has a touch of the Victoria Wood and Razorlights about it and it’s rather delightful.’ Starts the first review of DIDI’s third single, which it gained as a result of attracting joint top votes in Tom Robinson’s new music portal Fresh on the Net. Each week approximately 300 new tracks are whittled down, initially to 30, and then to a final 10, which become the Fresh Faves. The competition is intense so for DIDI’s track to be #1 for the week’s Fresh Faves is an honour that is not lost on her. The review from Johnno Casson continues….‘DIDI is the solo project of the very talented Lauren Deakin Davies, a musician, singer and producer, she keeps herself busy with all sorts of exciting projects and is making a name for herself with hard work and no little talent.

Back Off proves that the three minute pop song is a alive and kicking with its most excellent guitar playing (Franz Ferdinand would be proud).

Lovely shouty backing vocals and sweet drummy drum-ness and the joy is DIDI works a really great dynamic range and varies the ebb and flow of the song throughout.
